The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed May 21st as International Tea Day in 2019. The day was created to raise awareness of the importance of tea in our lives, and to promote sustainable production and consumption practices.
- 3 min read
One of the most powerful ways to combat this isolation and loneliness is to connect with others. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most simple and effective is to share a cup of tea or coffee.
- 2 min read
Modern slavery and forced labor are two of the most pervasIve and devastating human rights violations of our time. Modern slavery is a broad term that encompasses a range of exploitative practices, including human trafficking, debt bondage, forced marriage, and child labor.
- 2 min read
As an eternal optimist I believe that peace is possible. As a realist, I know that collective peace requires more than one person's effort. However, I do believe that collective peace begins with inner peace.
- 3 min read
I was the Director of Operations and Sustainability for Grace Farms Foundation when someone first told me about Certified B Corporations. It was explained simply that, "a B Corp is a business that 'does good' in the world, you know, like Patagonia."
- 6 min read
"We are committed to sourcing the highest quality coffee that doesn’t come at an extra cost to our planet or the farmers that grow the beans. That’s why we are incredibly particular about where and from whom we source our coffees from."
- 6 min read
This summer, Grace Farms Foundation’s CEO and Founder, Sharon Prince, traveled with the Foundation’s Special Projects Liaison & Tea Expert, Frank Kwei, and Grace Farms Foods Co-Founder Adam Thatcher, to India to visit the Fairtrade and organic tea suppliers that provide teas for the Foundation’s public benefit subsidiary, Grace Farms Foods.
- 6 min read
As we end our inaugural year of business at Grace Farms Foods, we are taking time to reflect on all the learnings, accomplishments, and challenges we faced starting a new philanthropic venture.
- 6 min read
Unlike most women, the Berhnau sisters were encouraged by their family to become educated and start their own business. In 2013, three sisters (Mahder, Mahlet, and Hirut) started Dumerso Coffee with the purchase of their first sorting and washing station in the Dumerso region of Yirgacheffe.
- 2 min read